How To Cite A Dissertation APA 7th Edition Style Guideline

how to cite a dissertation apa 7th

In the academic world, proper citations are the cornerstone of research integrity. They not only acknowledge the work of others but also guide readers to the source for further exploration.

If you’ve ever wondered “how to cite a dissertation APA 7th edition,” you’re not alone. Many scholars and students grapple with the nuances of the APA 7th edition format, especially when citing dissertations. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to cite a dissertation in APA 7th edition format, ensuring your work stands out for its academic rigor rather than citation errors.

So, whether you’re an academic, a student, or a curious reader, this guide will shed light on the intricacies of APA dissertation formatting practices. Let’s dive right in!

What Is APA Citation?

The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is one of the most widely used formats for scholarly writing, especially in the social sciences. Another common writing formats include MLA (click to learn more about citing a thesis in MLA) and Chicago styles.

At its core, APA citation is a set of rules and guidelines that scholars use to ensure their work’s clarity, consistency, and credibility. Citations serve as bridges, connecting readers to the sources of information, allowing them to verify facts, delve deeper into topics, and give credit to original authors.

The APA citation system involves two primary components:

  • In-text citations: These are brief references within the body of the text that direct readers to the full citation in the reference list.
  • Reference list: Located at the end of a document, this comprehensive list provides full details of all sources cited in the text.
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What Is The 7th Edition APA Citation?

The APA periodically updates its style manual to accommodate the evolving needs of academic writing and the dynamics of publishing. The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual, released in October 2019, introduced several changes to the previous version.

Here’s what you need to know about the APA style 7th edition:

  • Student Papers: Unlike previous editions, the 7th edition provides formatting guidelines for student papers, distinguishing them from professional papers intended for publication.
  • Simplified In-text Citation: The 7th edition allows using the singular “they” as an inclusive pronoun and has done away with the requirement to include “doi:” in front of DOIs.
  • Increased Flexibility: The updated edition offers more flexibility in font choices and introduces new guidelines for citing online sources, reflecting the digital age’s prevalence.
  • Reference List: The format for multiple authors in the reference list has been simplified, and there are clearer guidelines on how to cite a dissertation, how to cite a thesis APA, and other unique source types.

This 7th edition underscores the APA’s commitment to staying current and provides scholars with tools to present their work in a structured, clear, and consistent manner.

Whether looking into APA report citation, APA citation dissertation, or figuring out how to cite a report in APA, this 7th APA style edition has streamlined the process.

How To Cite A Dissertation In APA 7th Edition

Dissertations, being significant academic works, often serve as invaluable sources of information. Knowing how to cite a dissertation APA 7th is crucial for academic writers and students. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate this specific citation:

  • General Format:

    Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Title of dissertation [Degree type]. Academic Institution. URL or Database Name

  • Published Dissertation: Suppose the dissertation is published and available on a database or a university archive. In that case, you should include the name of the database or archive and the accession or order number at the end.

    Smith, J. A. (2020). Exploring the impacts of climate change on marine life [Doctoral dissertation, University of California]. Academic Database.

  • Unpublished Dissertation: For dissertations that are not formally published, you’d replace the database name with the phrase “Unpublished doctoral dissertation” and then list the university.

    Doe, M. L. (2019). The History of Urban Architecture in New York [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. New York University.

  • Masters Thesis: When citing a master’s thesis, the process is similar, but you’d specify it’s a master’s thesis in the citation.

    Brown, T. R. (2018). A Study on Sustainable Agriculture Practices in the Midwest [Master’s thesis, University of Illinois]. University Archive.

  • Online Dissertations with a URL: Include the direct URL at the end if the dissertation is available on a university’s website or a different online platform.

    Williams, K. P. (2017). Social Media’s Role in Modern Politics [Doctoral dissertation, Oxford University].

Now that you know how to cite a dissertation, you must ensure that all the details you supply are accurate. This gives due credit to the original author and helps readers trace back to the original source for further exploration. Remember, proper citation is a hallmark of good academic practice.

Additional Information On APA 7th Edition Dissertation Citation

Here are some extra details about APA 7th Edition citations to keep in mind when working on dissertation proofreading:

  • Understanding the Importance of Proper Citation:Citation isn’t just a formality. It’s an essential practice that acknowledges the hard work of researchers and scholars. By citing correctly, you:
    • Avoid plagiarism
    • Provide readers with the tools to delve deeper into topics.
    • Contribute to the academic discourse by situating your research within a broader context.
  • Updates in the APA 7th Edition:Beyond dissertation and thesis citation, the APA 7th edition brought other notable updates, such as:
    • The use of singular “they” as an inclusive pronoun.
    • Specific formats for different source types, like podcasts, tweets, and more.
    • Guidance on using font styles and sizes that enhance readability.
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What is the main difference between APA 6th and APA 7th edition citations?

The APA 7th edition introduced several changes from the 6th edition, including guidelines for student papers, more flexibility in font choices, simplified in-text citations, and clearer guidelines for citing unique sources like dissertations.

Do I need to include the database name when citing a published dissertation?

Yes, for published dissertations available on a database, you should include the name of the database and the accession or order number at the end of the citation.

How do I cite an unpublished dissertation in APA 7th edition?

For unpublished dissertations, replace the database name with the phrase “Unpublished doctoral dissertation” and then list the university.

For instance, Doe, M. L. (2019). The history of urban architecture in New York [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. New York University.

Is there a difference between citing a doctoral dissertation and a master’s thesis in APA 7th edition?

Yes, when citing a master’s thesis, you’d specify a master’s thesis in the citation.

For example: Brown, T. R. (2018). A study on sustainable agriculture practices in the Midwest [Master’s thesis, University of Illinois]. University Archive.

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